Adult Nutrition

Welcome to Your Village, where we understand that every individual's journey to health is personal and unique. We are dedicated to supporting you in achieving your nutritional goals and improving your overall well-being. We work with all adults but have a special focus in supporting moms both prenatally and postpartum navigate their unique nutritional needs. Let us be your partner in this journey towards a healthier, happier you.

  • Healthy Eating & General Wellness for Busy Parents

  • Nutritional Needs Throughout Pregnancy, Postpartum & Breastfeeding

  • Diabetes (Type 1, Type 2 & Gestational Diabetes)

  • Weight Management

  • Heart Health (High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol)

  • Food Allergies & Intolerances

Our Specialties

Initial Nutrition Assessment

Your initial nutrition assessment appointment is a chance for you and me to get to know each other and discuss your nutrition goals. I will ask you questions about your current diet, lifestyle, and medical history. Based on the information you provide, I will develop a personalized nutrition plan that will help you reach your goals. Your plan may include recommendations for changes to your diet, exercise routine, and lifestyle. I will also provide you with education and support to help you make lasting changes.

Here are some examples of things we may discuss during your initial assessment appointment:

  • Your current diet and eating habits

  • Your food preferences and dislikes

  • Your lifestyle, including your activity level and stress levels

  • Your medical history, including any food allergies or sensitivities

  • Your nutrition goals, such as weight loss, weight gain, or managing a chronic condition

What to bring to your initial assessment appointment:

  • A list of any medications or supplements you are taking

  • A food diary, if you have kept one

  • Any lab results you have received from your doctor

How to prepare for your initial assessment appointment:

  • Think about your nutrition goals. What do you want to achieve?

  • Write down any questions you have for Lindsay that you want to make sure to discuss

  • Come with an open mind, be open to feedback and suggestions

Follow-up Visits

Your follow-up visits offer a chance to review your progress towards your nutrition goals and make adjustments to your plan as needed. I will ask you questions about how you have been following your plan, what challenges you have faced, and what successes you have had.

Here are some examples of things we may discuss during your follow-up visits:

  • Your progress towards your nutrition goals

  • Any challenges you have faced following your plan

  • Any successes you have had

  • Changes to your diet, exercise routine, or lifestyle that you would like to make

  • Any new questions or concerns 

What to bring to your follow-up appointment:

  • A food diary, if you have kept one

  • Any new lab results you have received from your doctor

  • A list of any new questions or concerns you have

Your follow-up visits are an important opportunity for you to get support and make sure you are on the right track to reach your nutrition related goals.

For your convenience, after our initial session, follow-up sessions can be in person or virtual. Clients are always free to choose the pace and frequency of our sessions based on what feels most helpful and supportive to them.

What to expect


New Patient Visit: $160

Follow-up Visits: $105

Ready to schedule or have questions?

I'm committed to providing you with the guidance, encouragement, and tools you need to succeed!

Meet our provider…

Lindsay Cohen

Registered Dietician

As someone who has been living with Type 1 Diabetes since I was 9 years old, helping other people with diabetes has always been my passion in life. I became a Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist, and National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach so that I can share my knowledge and experience with the world. I know firsthand how challenging it can be to live with a chronic disease, but I have also learned how empowering it can be to confidently care for yourself or your loved ones.  As a mom to two young children, I also know what it is like to be a parent who wants to do everything possible to help my child successfully navigate a difficult diagnosis.  

My passion for nutrition and wellness does not stop there. I also love supporting busy families in learning how to fit healthy eating into their lifestyle as well as helping people learn to manage other chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and weight management.  In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, reading, going on walks, exploring restaurants around town, experimenting with new recipes, and I recently discovered a new found love for pickleball!