Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can schedule services by contacting us at 636-778-0495, reaching out via email at, or utilizing our contact us form. We will then reach out and answer any questions you might have and assist you in getting scheduled for your first visit!

  • Yes! We know finding the right healthcare provider is important. We want to support you in feeling comfortable in any healthcare decisions you make for your family.

    If you have a question or would like to speak with a provider directly, please call or text 636-233-8754 or email and someone will contact you within 2 business days.

  • The first visit is a chance for our provider to understand your concerns and obtain pertinent background information about you, your child or family. We want to hear your story and understand how we can best partner with you to meet your family’s needs.

    Follow-up visits can vary in length and frequency depending on your needs and goals. It is important to us to use your time/visits wisely and efficiently.

    If you have a question or would like to speak with a provider directly, please call 636-778-0495 or email and someone will contact you within 2 business days.

  • For Pediatric Sleep and Lactation Services we are currently in network with Aetna, Anthem, Cigna, and UHC.

    For Pediatric Speech, Pediatric Occupational Therapy, and Nutrition Services we are happy to supply you with a Superbill that you are able to submit to your insurance as an out of network benefit.

    You can also utilize your HSA/FSA to pay for services.

    It is important to understand how your healthcare benefits work so there are no surprises. Depending on your particular insurance policy you may not have benefits for certain services you are seeking. You may also need to meet your deductible before the services you are seeking are covered. It is important to understand what your policy covers. We are happy to support you in this process.

    Here are some questions you can ask when speaking with your insurance company to understand benefits better (call the number on the back of your card):

    • For us to create a superbill to submit to insurance you will need to have a referral from your healthcare provider with a diagnosis code (ICD-10 code). This is the code that lets insurance know why you are seeking services. Have this code available when contacting your insurance company.

    • You will also need to provide Procedure codes when contacting your insurance company. We provide the most commonly used codes for our services below.

    • Have you met your in-network or out-of-network deductible for the year

    • Most commonly reimbursed codes for each provider are as follows:

    Speech Codes

    Procedure Codes: 92523, 92507, 92522

    OT Codes

    Procedure Codes: 97530, 97533

    Nutrition Codes

    Procedure Codes: 97802, 97803

  • Occupational Therapy

    - Initial Evaluation: $250

    - 45 minute follow-up: $105


    Speech Therapy

    - First Session (90 min): $300

    - 30 minute follow-up: $65

    - 45 minute follow-up: $ 90


    Physical Therapy

    -Initial Evaluation: $275

    -45 minute follow-up: $115


    Nutrition Services

    -First Session (1 hr): $160

    -Additional Sessions (45 minutes): $105