Your Village at Work

Learn how your organization can help support new parents!

Corporate parent support programs have a variety of benefits. They can help you retain your employees, help lower your healthcare and insurance costs, and keep kids healthier so less sick time is needed.

Your Village at Work can help organizations ease the transition for parents as they prepare for parenthood, return from leave, and transition back into the workforce.

group of women in an office or coffee shop, sitting at two small tables having conversation over coffee and work

Why is this so important?

  • Women are the fastest growing sector of the workforce


  • 43% of skilled American women leave the workplace after becoming mothers

    Source: The Mom Project

  • 60% of women reported that they do not have access to adequate break time and space to pump breast milk

    According to a 2016 University of Minnesota study

  • Breastfeeding discrimination lawsuits have grown rapidly in recent years, by 800% in just a decade

    according to a study from the Center for WorkLife Law at the University of California, Hastings Law

  • Employers tend to get a $3 return for every $1 spent on breastfeeding support activities, facilities, and equipment

    source: Families and Work Institute

  • The cost of turnover of an employee can be up to 1.5- 2 times the employee’s salary.

    source: The True Costs of Employee Turnover | Built In

What we can do to help 

  • Prenatal Education

  • Prenatal Mental Health Planning Consults

  • Return to Work Consultations

  • Lactation Accommodation Consulting

  • On-site parenting education

  • New infant sleep support

  • Pediatric nurse support

  • Lactation room preparation, design, and pump rentals

How will this help my organization?

  • Your company or organization will be complying with the latest federal and state legislation, rules, and regulations. You will ensure you are meeting legal requirements for a workplace lactation room. Develop workplace lactation policy statements.

  • You will have higher productivity from new moms, healthier babies, less leave taken, and retain more valuable employees

One of the biggest hurdles many companies face is a lack of awareness of the needs new parents and the basic steps that can be taken to support them.